Horsepen Creek I

This project was previously known as Project 018.

This property shares a border of approximately 1200 feet with the property in Project 019.  Together, these two properties would conserve more than 75 contiguous acres of mature bottomland and upland forest and over 1.5 miles of stream and creek frontage.  The property is completely undeveloped and contains a great diversity of habitats. 

Grant Request: $85,500

Total Project Value (TPV): $890,000

TPV + Additional Real Estate Value: $1,050,000

Leverage Ratio $9.41 of external money to every $1 the county trust proposes to invest

Size of Property: 45.56 acres

Type of Project: Natural Resource

Application Type: Conservation Easement

Applicant: Upstate Forever

County Council District: 27


Saluda Dam Acres


Horsepen Creek II